Romance, Marriage & Family Relationships

Romance, Marriage & Family Relationships

Our close life relationships are directly related to our soul’s contract & journey.

This reading can help you understand what your soul’s journey may be, what particular part each person in the relationship may play & what solutions may exist in resolving the issues. This reading can help you decide the potential future of a particular relationship.

When family issues occur, they are always quite complex. There are various past life karmic pieces at play, psychological traumas or wounding, generational inherited behavioral blueprints…just to name a few!

One of the most tragic, is that of living family members we have lost that are still alive. When family members opt out of your life, or you opt out of theirs, it is totally devastating. It is one of the most painful life experiences you can have, with a grieving process unlike any other. A reading can help sort out the unknowns & complexities of the situation, bringing about much needed clarity from Spirit that traditional therapy cannot offer.

In marriages &/or long-term relationships, there are also various similar complexities at play, as with family. A reading can give you so many answers to the issues at hand. Your past life relationships may be working through in this life, emotional &/or psychological wounding from the past may be bleeding into the relationship, adversity of exes, in-laws or parents can be invading your relationship. Whatever it may be, a reading gives you the knowledge & tools to help sort through the issues. After all, knowledge is power.

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