Business Consulting
Whether working for a U.S. or international CEO/CFO of a Fortune 500 company, the owners of mid-sized companies or small business entrepreneurs, these readings provide invaluable information for your business.
Main areas of concentration commonly include guidance in the following areas: financial advisement, restructuring to make the company more efficient, product marketing/sales strategies & ideas, shared sessions with co-owners or department heads to help facilitate better communication & understanding, hiring decisions (to see if a possible new employee/employees would be a good energetic fit with other employees & the company in general), settling disputes/unrest within the company from a deeper perspective, group sessions to bring people together through intuitive advisement.
Business executives tell me quite often that these readings are invaluable to the overall health of their company. Readings provide the deepest, most comprehensive business information, that cannot be given through other standard business advisement professionals.
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